Connect with Us

At NALA, our vision is a world free of preventable diseases that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Neglected tropical diseases, or NTDs, impact almost a quarter of the world’s population in many cases resulting in long-term irreversible damage, such as stunting and blindness. 

Our Values



‘In 2011 I founded NALA as an independent NGO after realizing that medication alone is not enough in eradicating neglected tropical diseases, and a comprehensive approach is absolutely needed to reach this goal’ Professor Zvi Bentwich, Head of the Center for Emerging Tropical Diseases and AIDS, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

Nala's Board

NALA is grateful for the commitment of its international board who bring experience, opportunities, and resources to the organisation.

Prof. Zvi Bentwich

Founder and President
"NALA for me is an actual and concrete realization of my vision for Tikun Olam through the successful elimination of NTDs by an Israel-based organization."

Dr Reut Barak Weekes

Chair of Board
"I am drawn to NALA because of its community focus, which has the power to promote sustainable change and minimize NTD prevalence where it is most needed."

Prof. Galia Sabar

"NALA has proven to be one of the best NGOs fighting poverty related diseases, providing low cost high impact solutions. Just imagine: $1 with NALA can provide clean water to 1 child for 500 days - that's why I'm in."

Prof. Zeleke Mekonnen

"I came to know NALA when I started working on NTDs as a researcher and got chance to witness their accomplishments in the sector. NALA to me means a dedicated organization working for real change of needy communities. I am thrilled to be part of the board where I can contribute my part."

Dr. Einav Levy

"I find in NALA the optimal combination of vision and professionalism. As a director I will strive to support NALA through validated monitoring and evaluation, new partnerships and most importantly - redefining the strategic view."

Janet Levy Pahima

"From the first time I met Michal Bruck, NALA's CEO, in Addis Ababa in 2018, I was inspired by the premises and accomplishments of NALA. Joining the board is a privilege."

Jonathan Middleburgh

"NALA to me allows donors, including individuals, to invest in high impact, sustainable, reduction of diseases of poverty - it’s a great organization"

Mandie Winston

"I chose to be a board member of NALA having witnessed first hand our work and how seemingly small changes can have a massive impact on health and poverty outcomes. I love that NALA’s work always leans on local knowledge and community leadership, never imposing external solutions."

Dr. Noa Sher

"I am passionate about utilizing my strategic, management and research expertise to support NALA in serving the neglected disease community. I am excited by NALA’s innovative methodologies and by continual opportunities to expand their implementation."

Ran Goldstein

"I joined NALA because I believe the most effective long-term strategies for changing people's lives are education and prevention, and there is no other organization that implements these methods in the manner that NALA does."

Stefan Felstein

"Seeing NALA's work is witnessing a true force of selfless good aimed at providing basic needs and health practices that are so often taken for granted."

Yaron Lief


Nala's team

NALA is incredibly proud of its dedicated, creative, and cohesive team who cross  borders to harness best practices to eradicate NTDs.

Michal Bruck

"NALA for me is a home and a hub of excellence. I find in NALA the perfect balance between measurable impact, passionate and committed people, and an organization with an appetite to innovate and push the envelope to support healthy communities."

Nisan Zerai Kesete

Country Director, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"NALA to me is an organization that works in partnership with all stakeholders, is continuously learning and evolving whilst thriving to be true to its aims and goals in fighting NTDs, and puts the community at the heart of every endeavor."

Dorin Turgeman

Head of Operations, Tel Aviv, Israel
"NALA to me is home, an organization who's core values I fully identify with, and that allows me to fulfill my aspirations for doing meaningful work that improves the lives of others around the world."

Naomi Caplan

Head of Learning, Tel Aviv, Israel
"I work at NALA because it sits at the intersection of so many cross-cutting issues: poverty, WASH, health, education, gender, youth, rural development. Instead of only focusing on one area, our approach is holistic and multidisciplinary."

Tseday Tabor

Finance and Administration Manager, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"NALA to me is a family that responds to different needs of the community."

Yirga Gebregziabher

Strategic Advisor, Mekelle, Ethiopia
'Community has a capacity to solve its own challenges in a sustainable way. NALA recognizes this capacity ....'

Azeb Seifu

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"Being part of NALA is like being part of a family. It is a place where I can contribute my skills and expertise towards positively impacting its interventions. NALA's supportive environment encourages us to learn from each other, enabling us to grow personally and professionally."

Asmro Mulat Dessie

Project Manager, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"NALA for me is an organization where I have both learnt a lot, as well as given me the opportunity to utilize my experience and knowledge to serve my community as a public health expert."

Asrat Meleko

Project Manager, Mizan, Ethiopia
"NALA to me is both a family and a school. With its hardworking and dedicated team, an inspiring vision, and a strategy that encourages the community to address their own health problems, NALA is an organization that can make sustainable change."

Sarit Baum

Head of Partnerships and Communications, Tel Aviv, Israel
"NALA to me embodies the meaning of sustainable development, using a community-led approach for improved health long after we are gone"

Bisrat Molla

Program Manager, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"NALA is an organization working on the real and root causes of health issues through engaging the community to solve these problems using their own skills, knowledge, and resources. NALA's innovative, impactful, and resource-light project design, make NALA unique in the sector."

Gebrehiwot Dagnew

Project Coordinator, Adwa, Ethiopia
"NALA for me is like a big tree which bares fruit. The big tree is its staff, the fruits are the improved health of the community."

Tarekgyn Tesfaw

Project Manager, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
"I joined NALA because I was searching for a new challenge that focussed on solving critical WASH problems in the community. Since working at NALA I have seen commitment, passion, and taking the responsibility to improve community health seriously."

Natan Shata

Israel Project Manager, Tel Aviv, Israel
"For me, NALA represents a leading model in creating significant change and impacting communities through disease prevention and elimination efforts worldwide."

Adi Maoz

Learning and Impact Officer, Tel Aviv, Israel
"NALA to me is creating change in the world, one community at a time."

Noa Goren

Finance and Administration Officer, Tel Aviv

Abenet Fantu

Senior Finance and Administration Officer, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Naama Ilani

HR Manager, Tel Aviv, Israel
"I am truly honored to be a part of NALA's magic; Working alongside its incredible team, supporting the organization in promoting a healthier and better world by building genuine partnerships with local communities through innovative initiatives and a deep commitment to the vision of NALA."

Abraraw Chanie

WASH Technician, Hawassa, Ethiopia

Atay Gebremehdin

Volunteer Coordinator, Adwa, Ethiopia
"NALA for me is a foundation with benevolent ideas and practices."

Bikes Molla

WASH Technician, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"NALA to me means supporting communities to become the leaders of their own health"

Birhanu Seyoum

Zonal Officer, Worabe, Ethiopia
"NALA to me means supporting communities to become the leaders of their own health."

Mengiste Tsige Mengstu

Driver, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
"NALA is an organization that uses improved methods to address public health problems in the community. My goal in NALA is to help them achieve these targets"

Zeru Giorgis Kahssay

Volunteer Coordinator, Adwa, Ethiopia
"NALA has enabled me to use my experience for good in the community, and be innovative in response to challenges"

Melaku Temeslew

Multisectoral Coordinator, Benishangul and Gambella Regions, Ethiopia
"NALA is in the community!"

Anteneh Mekonnen

Multisectoral Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"NALA is a positive deviator using a new approach to eliminate NTDs!"

Asfaw Terefe Gemechu

Multisectoral Coordinator, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Gashaw Dubale Habtewold

Multisectoral Coordinator, SNNP Region, Ethiopia
"NALA to me means innovation and customization!"

Hagos Amare

Multisectoral Coordinator, Tigray Region, Ethiopia
"In NALA I feel part of a big family that doesn't simply work as other organizations do, but shares a true responsibility for the community, being there as a front liner even during difficult times."

Melkamu Beyene

Multisectoral Coordinator, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
"NALA to me is an organization that acts as the community's eyes and ears, bringing previously unnoticed community health issues to the attention of the government and its partners."

Mitiku Weldesenbet

Curriculum Integration Expert, Tercha, Ethiopia
"In my extensive experience within the education sector we saw 2 main challenges - inaccessibility and high dropout rates due to WASH related issues. NALA's initiative to eliminate these disease inspired me to join the team and be a part in overcoming these educational gaps"

Tsegaye Alemu, PhD

Trachoma Technical Advisor, Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“NALA is an organization exerting tremendous efforts to break the poverty cycle by eliminating blinding trachoma, and other NTDs through innovative approach and partnership at all level”

Yeshambel Abebe

IoT District Coordinator, South Region, Ethiopia
“I joined NALA because I deeply resonate with its mission to empower underserved communities through education and access to resources”

Sorsa Faltamo

IoT District Coordinator, South West Region, Ethiopia
“I joined NALA because of its high-impact, low cost, sustainable interventions that address equity within health systems. I love NALA’s innovative approaches to address the health needs of impoverished communities.”

Silabat Aschalew

IoT District Coordinator, South Region, Ethiopia
“NALA to me is an organization working on eliminating neglected tropical diseases by engaging communities for their own health, enabling them to thrive through sustainable, cost-effective strategies.”

Bekele Azmeraw

IoT District Coordinator, South West Region, Ethiopia
“NALA works to understand the reasoning behind NTD burden in the community.”

Bekele Azmeraw

IoT District Coordinator, South West Region, Ethiopia
“I want to join the NALA family because I believe in the organization’s commitment to fostering community and supporting local initiatives. Being part of the NALA family allows me to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact ...”

Dereje Belay

IoT District Coordinator, South West Region, Ethiopia
“Mainly I joined NALA to support community behavioral change and communication to address the NTD burden for healthy, productive and prosperous communities.”

Belete Gezahegn

IoT District Coordinator, South West Region, Ethiopia

Samuel Wolde

IoT District Coordinator, Central Region, Ethiopia

Work at NALA

NALA is always looking for passionate hearts and minds to join its growing team. Find the best position for you and submit your CV today to

For our flexible roles, those based in Israel are welcome to join us in the office, but it is not required. 

Partner with us

NALA prides itself on the long-term partnerships it creates that encourage continued striving for a disease-free future led by those most at-risk

Corporate partnerships

Through collaborative programs, joint research, and matched funding our corporate partnerships have helped us reach over 250,000 people with better health education, water access, and improved hygiene.


NALA is globally recognized for the technical support it provides governments working towards NTD elimination. If you are a Ministry of Health, NTD Department or WASH sector, representative reach out to NALA today.

Public Health Actors

Evidence guides the work we do, enabling us to further our impact and share models of best practice. If you are a public health actor or organization looking to collaborate, reach out to NALA today.


NALA is always looking for committed, innovative, and driven volunteers to join the team in the field of communications, research, and operations. Join us and be a part of the NALA team by submitting your CV today.