Previous Projects

Bench Maji

Intense community engagement for the elimination of schistosomiasis and other NTDs


Accelerating the elimination and control of trachoma


Adapting our behavioral change and WASH interventions to support to prevention of COVID-19 in Ethiopia

Early Childhood Education

Targeting the most at-risk population for trachoma through the development of age-friendly educational materials 

The SAFE Project

Providing technical support to trachoma partners on the implementation of behavioral change interventions for trachoma prevention

Super School of 5

Using hygiene heroes and interactive tools to improve personal hygiene practices of school-aged children

Deworming Mekelle

The launch of NALA’s holistic model for schistosomiasis in Mekelle, capital of Tigray

Deworming Dembia

Community engagement and monitoring of WASH infrastructure for improved health

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